S No.AcronymFull Form
14GL4th  Generation language
23D3 Dimensions
3ABCAtanasoft Berry Computer
4ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
5AIArtificial Intelligence
6ALGOLAlgorithmic Oriented Language
7AMAmplitude Modulation
8ANSIAmerican National Standard Institute
9AOLAmerican Online
10ARCNetAttached Resource Computer Network
11ARPAddress Resolution Protocol
12ARPANetAdvanced Resource Project Agency Network
13ASCCAutomatic Sequence Control Calculator
14ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
15ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuit
16ATAdvanced Technology
17AT&TAmerican Telephone and Telegraph
18ATMAutomated Teller Machine
19AVIAudio Video Interleave
20BASICBeginner’s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
21BBSBulletin Board Service
22BCRBar Code Reader
23BIOSBasic Input Output System
24BITBinary Digit
26BNCBritish Naval Connector
27BPIBits Per Inch
28CADComputer Aided Design
29CAIComputer Aided Instruction
30CALComputer Aided Learning
31CAMComputer Aided Manufacture
32CATComputer Axial Topography
33CAVECave Automatic Virtual Environment
34CBEComputer Based Education
35CBTComputer Based Training
36CD-ROMCompact Disk Read Only Memory
37CGAColor Graphics Adapter
38CMIComputer Managed Instruction
39CMOSComplementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
40COBOLCommon Business Oriented Language
41CODASYLConference of Data System Language
42COMComputer Output to Microfilm
43CPAVCentral Point Anti-Virus
44CPMControl Program for Microcomputers
45CPSCharacter Per Second
46CPUCentral Processing Unit
47CRTCathode Ray Tube
48RAMRandom Access Memory
49CSMA/CDCarrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision Detection
50CSUChannel Service Unit
51CSU/DSUChannel Service Unit/Digital Service Unit
52DARPADefense Advanced Research Project Agency
53DBMSDatabase Management System
54DCUDevice Control Unit
55DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
56DIMMDual In-Line Memory Module
58DNADigital Architecture Network
59DNSDomain Name System
60DPIDots Per Inch
61DRAMDynamic Random Access Memory
62DSDDDouble Sided Double Density
63DSHDDouble Sided High Density
64DSSDigital Support Systems
65DSUDigital Service Unit
66DTRData Transfer Rate
67DVDDigital Versatile Disk
68EBCDICExtended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
69EDODRAMExtended Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory
70EDPElectronic Data Processing
71EDSElectronic Data Storage
72EDSACElectronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
73EDVACElectronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
74EEPROMElectrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory
75EGAEnhanced Graphics Adapter
76E-MailElectronic Mail
77EMFElectromagnetic Field
78EMIElectromagnetic Interference
79EMRElectromagnetic Radiation
80EMSExpanded Memory System
81ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
82EPROMErasable and Programmable Read Only Memory
83FATFile Allocation Table
84FAXFacsimile System
85FDDFloppy Disk Drive
86FDDIFiber Distributed Data Interference
87FDSFixed Data Storage
88FMFrequency Modulation
89FORTRANFORmula TRANslation
90FPMDRAMFast Page Mode Dynamic Random Access Memory
91FTPFile Transfer Protocol
92GaASGallium Arsenide
94GbpsGigabits per second
95GIFGraphic Interchange Format
96GIGOGarbage In Garbage Out
97GPLGeneral Public License
98GUIGraphical User Interface
99HDDVDHigh Definition Digital Versatile Disc
100HDDHard Disk Drive
101HLLHigh Level Language
102HMAHigh Memory Area
103HMDHead Mounted Display
104HTMLHyper Text Markup Language
105HTTPHyper Text Transfer Protocol
107IBMInternational Business Machine
108IBM PCInternational Business Machine Personal Computer
109ICIntegrated Circuit
110IKBSIntelligent Knowledge Based System
111IPOInput Process Output
112IPX/SPXInternetwork Packet Exchange/Sequence Packet Exchange
113IRCInternet Relay Chat
114ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
115ISOCInternet Society
116ISPInternet Service Provider
227ITInformation Technology
118JPEGJoint Photographic Expert Group
121LANLocal Area Network
122LCDLiquid Crystal Display
123LISPList Processing
124LSILarge Scale Integration
125MACMedia Access Control
126MANMetropolitan Area Network
129MBPSMillion Bits Per Second
130MDAMonochrome Display Adapter
131MHzMega Hertz
132MICRMagnetic Ink Character Reader
133MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface
134MILNETMilitary Network
135MIPSMillions of Instruction Per Second
136MISManagement Information System
137MODEMModulator and Demodulator
138MP3MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3
139MPEGMotion Pictures Expert Group
140MSAVMicrosoft Anti Virus
141MUKMultimedia Utility Kits
142NAVNorton Anti Virus
143NCCNational Computer Centre
144NetBEUINetBIOS Extended User Interface
145NICNetwork Interface Card
146NITCNational Information Technology Centre
147NITCCNational Information Technology Coordination Committee
148NITDCNational Information Technology Development Council
149NSFNETNetwork Science Foundation Network
150NTNew technology
151OASOffice Automation System
152OCROptical Character Reader
153OMROptical Mark Reader
154OODBMSObject Oriented Database Management System
155OS/2Operating System-2
156PCPersonal Computer
157PDFPlatform Independent Document Format
158PL/1Programming Language-1
159PMPhase Modulation
160PNGPortable Graphics Network
161POPPost Office Protocol
162POSPoint of Sales Terminal
163POSTPower On Self Test
164PROLOGProgramming Logic
165PROMProgrammable Read Only Memory
166PS/2Personal System -2
167PSTNPublic Switched Telephone Network
168QBEQuery By Example
169QELQuery Language
170RAMRandom Access Memory
171RARPReverse Address Resolution Protocol
172RDBMSRelational Database Management System
173RJ-45Registered Jack -45
174RMMRead Mostly Memory
175ROMRead Only Memory
176ROM BIOSRead Only Memory Basic Input Output System
177RPGReport Program Generator
178RPMRevolutions Per Minute
179SCPSystem Control Processor
180SDRAMSynchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
181SIMMSingle In-Line Memory Modules
182SMSStatic Memory Systems
183SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
184SNASystem Network Architecture
185SNOBOLString Oriented Symbolic Language
186SPITBOLSpeedy Implementation of SNOBOL
187SQLStructured Query Language
188SRAMStatic Random Access Memory
189SSISmall Scale Integration
190STPShielded Twisted Pair Cable
191SVGASuper Video Graphics Array
194TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
195TPSTransaction Processing System
196ULSUltra Large Scale Integration
197UMBUpper Memory Block
198UPCUniversal Product Code
199UPSUninterruptible Power Supply
200URLUniform Resource Locator
201UTPUnshielded Twisted Pair cable
202VDTVisual Display Terminal
203VDUVisual Display Unit
204VGAVideo Graphics Array
205VLSIVery Large Scale Integration
206VRVirtual Reality
207VRMLVirtual Reality Modelling Language
208VSATVery Small Aperture Terminal
209WAISWide Area Information Service
210WANWide Area Network
211WORMWrite Once Read Many
212WWWWorld Wide Web
213XMExtended Memory
215XTExtended Technology